Prabowo's stronghold agreed to enter disaster mitigation into the Presidential Election Debate Theme

LiputanNet, Chairman of the National Winning Body (BPN) Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno, Djoko Santoso agreed if the issue of handling disasters was included in the debate material for the 2019 Presidential Election held by the General Election Commission (KPU).

He considered the community needed to know what would be done by the future president in dealing with disasters that often occur in Indonesia.

"I think (disaster mitigation) is good. Because the debate needed by the community is very good, resulting in good thoughts," Djoko said when met in Tebet, South Jakarta, Thursday.

Not only that, he even called Prabowo and Sandi able to convey his thoughts regarding how to handle disasters in Indonesia. Therefore it would be very appropriate if this issue was raised in the presidential debate which would have been held five times.

"Prabowo-Sandi can give birth to good thoughts about how to deal with disasters. So I think it's good," he said.

Furthermore, Djoko also mentioned that education related to disaster mitigation indeed needs to be educated to the public early on. Because with this education, people can understand how to deal with disasters, such as tsunamis and earthquakes.

"The first special education must be reproduced as far as I know at the University of Defense, there is already a management disaster. In other areas I think it still needs to be done, and also such exercises as well as public education," Djoko said.

Djoko then told stories in other countries, for example Japan, education about disaster mitigation has been studied since school age. They were taught how to survive in situations of earthquake and tsunami.
"Where does the tsunami run. So the community must also be educated in anticipation. What is the Early Warning System, how is the broadcasting, the alarm how, yes, there are many preparedness," he said.


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