Prabowo Sanggar Elite Jakarta in front of the East Timorese Fighters

PojokId. Presidential candidate number 02 Prabowo Subianto said the elites in Jakarta did not understand the struggle of the Indonesian people to maintain the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, including the pro-integration fighters of East Timor.
This was conveyed by Prabowo when meeting with East Timorese pro-integration fighters to the Republic of Indonesia and the East Timorese Seroja fighters, in Atambua, Belu District, East Nusa Tenggara on Thursday.

"Many of the elites in Jakarta do not understand your brothers' struggles and sacrifices. Let alone your sacrifices, the suffering of the Indonesian people in other places," Prabowo said in a written statement by the Prabowo-Sandi Media Center Team.

Prabowo claimed to have wanted to come to Atambua for a long time to meet his comrades. But only now can the General Chairman of the Gerindra Party be present and reminisce with his old friend.

"I saw the faces of old friends, friends who fought under the red and white flag and I understood the sacrifices of your brothers and sisters were very great and your struggle was extraordinary," he said, who had served in East Timor while still active as ABRI member.

Prabowo is proud of the loyalty of the Indonesian people in East Timor who have now moved and live in Atambua. Prabowo promised to realize justice and prosperity for all the people of Indonesia.
"The struggle is not limited to words, but the sacrifice is manifested by real actions for the NKRI. And I will continue to fight for you," he said.

Pilgrimage to Seroja TMP

In addition to meeting his old friend in Atambua, Prabowo took a pilgrimage to the tomb of Joao Tavares who was the Commander of the East Timor pro-integration fighters to the Republic of Indonesia at the Seroja Atambua Heroes Cemetery (TMP).

Prabowo sprinkled flowers on the tomb of Joao Tavares. He greeted one by one the family of Joao Tavares who waited for him in front of the tomb. Prabowo seemed solemn to offer prayers for other nation's fighters who were buried at Seroja Atambua TMP.

"We must remember the services of those who are our heroes. They dare to sacrifice their lives and bodies to defend the nation and state of Indonesia. And their spirit of nationalism must be emulated by all Indonesian people," Prabowo said.

After making a pilgrimage, the former Kopassus Danjen greeted one of the Atambua people who were in the Seroja TMP complex. Prabowo had a boy who was brought by his parents to meet him.

"Wow, what's your name, kid? If you grow up, you have to be a hero for your parents, for your nation and country," Prabowo said while holding the child.
In his activities in Atambua, Prabowo was accompanied by leaders and members of the National Winning Body (BPN) Prabowo-Sandi such as Farry Djemi Francis, Hashim Djojohadikusumo, and Sugiono.


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