Prabowo Joget in the Family Village, Timses Says Ma'ruf Amin Recites Christmas

JurnalFakta. Moment of Prabowo Subianto dancing in his family's Christmas celebration was discussed. Timses Prabowo-Sandiaga alluded to the vice president KH Ma'ruf Amin who gave the Christmas celebration.

"We do not question the Kiai Ma'ruf Amin, who used to refuse to say Christmas, now say the Christmas celebration, we don't attack Kiai Ma'ruf personally," said spokesman Prabowo-Sandi, National Defense Agency, Andre Rosiade, told reporters. Thursday.

Andre said that when the MUI was inactive, he never said a Christmas celebration. However, when he became a vice president, he gave a Christmas greeting. But his side never attacked the person Ma'ruf who viral said the Christmas celebration.

"Kiai Ma'ruf used to never say Christmas, suddenly after becoming a vice president said (Christmas). Is this there or not, we attacked Kiai Ma'ruf?" Andre said.
"But interestingly, they attacked personal issues because the panic of Pak Jokowi's survey was below 50 percent and Pak Prabowo above 50 percent was afraid of being overtaken, afraid of losing," he added.

Furthermore, Andre was surprised at the attack on Prabowo's personal issue. Previously, called Andre, Prabowo was attacked by the issue of radical Islam that wanted to turn Indonesia into a khilafah and could not become an imam of prayer.

"People are just panicking, yesterday Pak Prabowo said that radical Islam wanted to turn Indonesia into a khilafah, then changed to not be able to lead the prayer leader, then changed now to join the Christmas celebration, the personal issue is not economic," Andre said.

About the video dancing in his family's Christmas celebration, according to Andre, Prabowo did not attend the worship ritual. Prabowo is only in touch with his Christian family.

"Yes, I did not take part in the ritual of worship, he (Prabowo) came outside the ritual ritual. His family was mostly Christian, made an event, after the ritual of worship came, for poco-poco or whatever, the family came together without rituals. worship, "he said.

Prabowo's jogging moment was uploaded at Insta Story Rahayu Saraswati, Hashim Djojohadikusumo's daughter. Rahayu or Sara are Prabowo's nieces. Insta Story has now been deleted. But the video has spread.


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